just a little ramble

you know those days where you
think you have the worst life ever
and the world is out to get you?
whelp- today that was me
i was totally throwing myself a pity party
and feeling sorry for myself
i cried myself to sleep and i think i woke
up crying as if i didn't stop in my sleep
i just had a bad bad day and i was
milking it for all its worth

then out of no where i thought of a friend
who's life is way harder than mine
and when i say way- i mean way
she is doing things that i wouldn't be able to
do even if someone paid me a million dollars
she is a gem and probably the strongest person i know

and then i felt stupid
for being soo dramatic

sure- i'm going through a hard time
and i know its okay to be sad about my situation
because i am sad
i had to take a step back for a second and realize
that my life really is good
and i really am happy and so blessed
and sure sometimes things don't always go as
planned- but i know in the end it will all be okay
i will be okay

"everything will be okay in the end
if its not okay
its not the end"

so instead of focusing so much
on myself and my hardships
i decided i would focus more on her
and others in general

i wrote this friend of mine a little message
telling her i loved her and that
i was thinking about her

and you know what?
i feel better

i think people (myself included) can get so caught up
in our own issues that we forget about others
and become so self absorbed

and i dont know about you guys
but when i think about something and only
that one thing- it makes me more upset
because duh!- thats all you're thinking about

so what a better way to get over it
by having a little charity and thinking
of others right!?

just a thought

i heard a saying once that said-
if we all threw our problems in a pile
and saw everyone else's
we'd grab ours back

alright i'm done rambling
much love

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