
dear life- you keep me on my toes

dear b- good luck on your first day of work

dear room- please clean yourself

dear surie- drinking out of the toilet was the funniest thing i've seen in days

dear sun- i REALLY like you

dear ames & marissa- happy birthday

dear school- sometimes i hate being locked up inside you

dear rachel- yes i did prank call you yesterday & it was soo funny

dear twist ice cream cone- i ate you again today & you were very delightful

dear letters- i really hate writing you, i never have a stamp

dear chels- lets go for a ride in your smart car

dear game night- you are fun

dear laurie- im glad you're back home, i missed you

dear phone- stop running & hiding from me: i can never find you

dear provo temple- our wednesdays spent together are divine

dear guy who works at the temple- you buggggg me.. a lot

dear lortab- you make me go berserk

dear gym- what??

dear girl at school- did you really shave your head today??...

dear provo- you kinda suck & i miss stg.

dear parents- i love you

dear journal- i cant find you.. if you're really lost i will cry
dear robynhood- call me

dear shorts- im excited to wear you

dear 90210- i promise ill catch up soon

dear ky hutch- i miss you

dear meg- i didn't forget about you.. it somehow got deleted i swear.
so dear meg- please don't leave me for the whole summer

dear self- you have things to do


Cailey & Brady said...

dear cousin cailey may- you're my favorite. yes i already knew that. love you

Lauren Parker said...

dear sophie.
YOU ARE MY TWIN and i adore you

Meg said...

Dear Sophia- I miss you

Jordan and Kristi said...

Surie did not drink out of the toilet oh my goodness that little girl is too too funny! Um I particularly enjoyed dear provo you suck i miss stg because girl you and me both!! my heart aches for stg, provo just doesn't compare. and my mom told me our moms are going to come to p town for a little lunch and shopping and we MUST make it happen how fun would that be..and i would finally get to see you bc like you said we lived NEXT door and never saw each other..too strange. mmk im done loveyyyyyou