sweet dreams?

.. not so much

i keep on having a dream
about the same thing
its put in a different way or situation each time
but still about the same thing

its driving me crazy
so i googled the meaning of this type of dream
cause im weird like that

this is what i learned about my dreams

  • being half way towards achieving a life-long goal
  • something accepted or failed to accept within yourself
  • exploring the idea of commitment or new beginnings
  • trying to resolve..

thank you google for helping me understand this dream
(also i googled how to stop dreaming about it.. no such luck)

here are some fun dream facts i found

  1. blind people dream
  2. you forget 90% of your dreams
  3. we only dream of what we know
  4. not everyone dreams in color
  5. you cannot snore and dream at the same time
  6. the average person has about 1,460 dreams a year (4 per night)
  7. childhood dreams are shorter than adult dreams
  8. everyone dreams
fun right?


Lauren Parker said...

what a funnnn post! i sure liked the fun facts :) i am a crazy dreamer- i remember a ton of mine!

heather said...

Does your dream have anything to do about a M.B.? Just wondering. Ha! No idea you can't snore and dream at the same time. No wonder Gavin always says he doesn't remember his dreams. He never gets a chance to dream!

nicole said...

blind people dream! thats cool i never thought of it!