its my birthday

me- age one

not my 20 birthday
not my 22 birthday
its my 21 birthday

happy birthday to meee
so far i have spent it running errands & packing

went to dinner with my parents last night
& tonight ill be at the dodo with
my favorite friends


happy happy january 22.


teacher2mom said...

Happy Birthday Sophie!! We love you!

teacher2mom said...

woops...that was your aunt Julie who just posted that :)

marnie said...

I remember the day you were born. How in the heck was that 21 years ago? I need to go lie down, I am feeling really old. Love you!

ps. When you were a baby, I was your favorite:)

marnie said...

pss I just found the outfit you are wearing in the picture you posted. I have it in a bag to go to your mom. Thought you might want to keep that one.