
19. a song you love at this very moment


18. a habit you wish you didn't have

i squint my eyes


it doesn't matter if im thinking hard & focused or not

i don't even have bad eyes & can see perfectly

i don't know what it is but

i am always squinting my gosh dang eyes

its a bad habit

a lot of the time people think im giving them dirty looks

i swear im not

meg used to tell me

"sophie, stop killing people with your eyes!"

& in pictures 85% of the time i have my eyes closed

gosh its annoying

so there you have it

a habit i wish i didn't have

squinting of the eyes



& just so you all knoooww

i got a tumblr

yep. its true

so follow me if you'd like

day 17.

17. five things you are looking forward to this year


june. 28




& that means the cabin

bahhh i love it


reading new books, seeing new movies,

& listening to new music


meeting new people & making new friends


the unknown

i guess its not really a thing but its always exciting not knowing what is going to happen in your life or where you will end up

i look forward to finding out

sixteen of thirty

16. a picture of you when you were little

being little is the best
what i wouldn't give to go back in time

im especially fond of the memories i have being
little at the cabin playing with judd, carly & cailey
swimming in the river, floats, making up dances, playing indians in the forest, the swings, penny candies, ice cream, night games, riding bikes, catching frogs, etc.

those were the days

everything was so simple back then
everything was so fun
and we were never bored

i am around kids a lot
a lot
a lot
a lot

i have younger siblings, a thousand cousins, and i nanny
i love little kids
i can't get enough of them
they honestly make life so great
i adore kids and if you let them, they can be the best mentors in life
everything makes them happy
and when i'm around them
i am happy
and they love the simple things which may seem so dumb to someone else
(it was surie's birthday yesterday and
she told my mom for a rock as one of her presents)
they see the good in everyone and everything
kids teach you so much about the importance of life
and i think we should hold on to that youthfulness for as long as we can

winn claybaugh once said that you can ask a child what makes them happy and they can come up with a million different things- on the other hand you ask a adult what makes them happy and most the time they have a hard time making a list

we can learn a lot from children


don't worry that i am baby hungry
i know i know i know
i need a husband first
but seriously i've been wanting a baby

one day ill have lots of children
i think the best compliment that i've ever received
was being told that i will make a good mom one day
lets hope this will be the truth

i dont know what it is about the idea of being a mom that makes me so happy
i smile just thinking about it

okay okay okay
im getting way ahead of myself
like i said
i need a husband first

cheers to being young

i told ya i would finish it didn't i...?

im back to the challenge of 30
14. five tv shows you are hooked on right now

1. ellen
im proud to say i watch her show ever day

2. american idol
i dont even care that it takes up both
my wednesday & thursday nights

3. extreme couponing
lately i've been obsessed
i told laur that i was going to be a extreme couponer one day
she told me she was going to be a hoarder

4. boy meets world
its on in the mornings when i nanny

5. csi & ncis
always go to shows

well folks
thats all for noooww