Who is she?
She is a daughter. She is a best friend.
She is a pocketful of light. She is a spark of
something good, getting brighter; a dream grown
large; the right thing at the right time.
She is a dancer, a singer, a thinker, a
truth-teller. A connoisseur of all things this
wide world has to offer. Her spirit is the
first thing people notice. Her mind always had
a mind of its own. Her heart, though it has
sometimes been hurt, bears a strong resemblance
to a daffodil: it always flowers again.
So she wakes with anticipations. She
finds new hills to climb. And everyone agrees
that the very fact of her in the world means
there is still so much good to come.
Who is she? She is me. She is you.
I am her.