if you don't know this about me already
i absolutely love to read
i seriously have a fascination with books
i looooveee them
i am always reading a new book
my library card is my best friend
"having fun isn't hard
when you've got a library card"
[if you know where that's from
god bless you.. i like you even more than i did before]

one day i will have a library in my home
a very large one with a million shelves
filled with all my favorite books
a library so big
you will have to use those fancy ladders
that slides around to be able to reach them all
wouldn't that be a dream come true
check out my latest read over there >>>>>>>>
Can we just live together and share your library? Pretty please? Thanks thinner I love you!
That was supposed to say twinner. These smart phones can be so dumb:) I mean aren't they smart enough to just read our minds?
I will have to try The Book Thief out! You always have good recommendations
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