soooo practically everyone knows i have allergies
peanuts. potatoes. soy. some fruits&veggies. & latex
you name it
im allergic
i carry around an epipen:
epinephrine injection
used for emergency treatments for severe allergic reactions
this is how it works:

pull off safety cap

push in leg
& hold for 10 seconds

dispose of used epipen properly
& call 911 :)
sometimes i forget to carry my epipen with me
(shhh.. dont tell my mom)
but just the other day i switched purses and thought to myself
do i really need this?
i left it home
then the next day i saw it sitting on my dresser
haunting me
so i grabbed it fast and went to school
it was the chirstmas party
which meant lots & lots of treats that i couldn't eat
i was in lena's office getting my last few signatures when a cute girl walked in
she was on the verge of tears
and she was asking for benadryl
which i usually have- but this one time
i didn't
she was having an allergic reaction
she too is allergic to nuts
before she left to see if anyone else had any
i told her if it got worse i had an epipen
10 minutes later she came back and asked if she could use my epipen
her voice was scratchy and she coughed a few times
bad bad sign
i got a little nervous for her
i grabbed it fast and handed it to her
but then thought if the tables were turned i would want someone else to do it for me
i asked her if she wanted me to do it
she did indeed
we went back to lena's office and i gave her the shot
i was being brave and pretended i wasn't scared to give it to her
but inside i was freeeaaakkiingg out
(have you seen the size of those things?)
all in all she ended up being okay
but this was a lesson learned for me
- to ALWAYS carry my epipen with me
because even though i am really careful with my allergies and i can control what i eat
you cant really control what others eat
or what cross contamination could effect you
if people don't have allergies
they just don't seem to get how severe they can be
even if you tell them a million times not to eat those peanut m&m's around you
they still do
or they walk away for 2 seconds
pop it in their mouth and then come back and think its okay
trust me
its not
i have reactions alllll the time
but luckily none that have been too horrible
i don't blame people for not getting it
because trust me if i didn't have allergies
i too would have a little b-fit if i couldn't eat my perfectly packaged peanuts on the airplane
because "someone" had an allergy
my allergies are embarrassing
and a struggle for me each & everyday
there is nothing worse than having to walk out of class because you are having a reaction to the pb&j being eaten across the room
or going to weddings starving and then you realize you cant eat anything
or not being able to go to dinner with friends because you can't eat there
or watching your whole family on thanksgiving eat mashed potatoes while you get to eat corn with your gravy
or going on a date where they order a treat to share and then you have to explain you cant eat it- then they feel bad- & you feel stupid ( good times!)
i knooooww i shouldn't feel bad about telling people i have allergies
or get embarrassed
but i do
its definitely a trial for me
& im working on overcoming it
its a good thing that i have a great family and friends who don't mind sticking up for me when i feel to shy to stick up for myself
or that don't mind not eating things im allergic to around me even if its their favorite
my poor family & friends have had to make many sacrifices for me
but i reeealllly appreciate them
i should love my allergies cause they make me unique right?
Soph you know I'm your number one body guard right? I will always tell people to back up off! Call it my duty until I die! Cus I certainly care way more about you than I do some delish peanuts. Your way better:) ps you are so brave- you little doctor you:)
Remember when your nanny family brought you ghiradelli chocolate with peanut butter inside (maybe even on two separate trips) and you never told us (I mean, them) you were allergic? You acted excited and took the bag of chocolates home (or maybe you threw them in the garbage on your way home). I wish I would've known. But I do get allergies. We've almost lost Ryan several times because of his severe asthma to dogs. We used to carry an epi-pen with us everywhere and I was terrified about having to use it. I read all of the scary possible side effects if not given in the proper muscle (loss of leg, etc) and I'm a nurse. So way to go Sophie for being brave and doing what needed to be done!
Mmmm! Bread..
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